Hi classmates!!
Since five or six months ago, we have lots of problems because my father has a farm and we have got lambs. As you know in our country there are lot of immigrants and lots of them don’t have work , so… they haven’t got any money and they have to steal to survive.
We started to notice that the lambs were disappearing five months ago, and we decided to design an alarm. We started to think about how could we do it, my brother proposed one design and I started to make it, but meanwhile I was working on it, I decided to put an engine, and I made little modifications. It is a quite simple mechanism, but it works really well. It is formed by two lasers, one engine, a mobile phone and the most important part, a metal structure. As I said before it is really simple because, when the thief arrives, this mechanism and the mobile phone call at our home’s telephone.
The first time it called us was four months ago; when we noticed that the number that was calling was the alarm we went there quickly. When we arrived there, we saw two lambs walking outside of the farm. So, the alarm worked well, but we learned that if we want to catch the thieves we had to be fastest. Some days after it rang two times more and we couldn’t know who was stealing our lambs, because when we arrived we could only see the animals, not the thieves. Finally, last Monday, we could catch one of the people who were stealing our lambs. It was amazing, because after working really hard, we could detain one of the Arabian thieves.
Well… as you can imagine it is really difficult to explain this entire story in English, so I let you the link to the “Punt” newspaper, where you will find the whole story explained really well and in Catalan of course!.
http://www.vilaweb.cat/www/elpunt/noticia?p_idcmp=3075066Here you can see a photo of the alarm we had done.

See you on Monday !!