divendres, 30 de gener del 2009

Carnival Vs. England

The carnival!!

Every year I make a post talking about the carnival. That’s because it is one of my favourite festivals. I enjoy building the carnival coach with my friends and I love the parades where we use to go every year. This year, I won’t go to “St. Pere’s carnival” and “L’Escala’s carnival” because we are going to go to England with our English teachers.
On one hand, I want to go to this parties, but on the other hand, I love travelling, and we are only 17 or 18 years old, so… we have to travel as much as we can.
I would like to travel to London and to go out every night in carnival, but we can’t, so we will practice English for four days, and we will dress up four two carnivals (in Castelló and in Fortià). I think that will be great!!

Two years ago I spent two days in London, here is a photo of me next to a typical telephone box:

Well… see you on Monday, now I’m going to work on my research project!!

See you,


dimecres, 21 de gener del 2009

The crisis!

Today I have turned on the TV, and all they talk about is the crisis. We know that we are going to come into a hard period, but I think that if the journalists don’t stop talking about it, the problem will become bigger. I think that we can solve it, like the Americans did during the 29 crisis. The public inversion is, in my opinion, the best way to solve the crisis. But it seems that the Spanish government doesn’t think the same.

On the other hand, we have to put our money in the banks, because nowadays they haven’t got any cash, and that’s why they don’t give any mortgages. So, I think that if the journalists don’t stop talking about that, people will be more and more afraid, and they won’t trust in banks, so they banks won’t get any money, and the mortgages will be impossible to get, and the final consequence will be that the people who want to get some money to buy a new house, won’t be able to get a mortgage. So… I think that if people can get money from the banks, they will buy houses, and the problem will become smaller.

I know that the crisis is a very big problem which affects lots of people, but I think that we have to forget a little bit about it, if we can. And… as Mr Obama says, “YES, WE CAN!!!!”.

See you tomorrow,


dijous, 1 de gener del 2009


We are really fed up and tired, but we are just in the second term!!!
So... "C'mon let's work"!!