dissabte, 31 de maig del 2008

Immigration, is it a problem ?

Yesterday I spent the whole afternoon in St Pere Pescador and I saw lots of immigrants. Meanwhile I was looking at them, I started thinking about how they might feel and why they think that Spain is a paradise.

They come here because they want to earn some money and after that, they wish to return to their country. But when they arrive, they notice that this country isn't a paradise, and they have to work really hard to earn some money, wich is send to their families.
I can't understand the people who hate the immigrants, because they come here to work and earn some money, and that's good for our economy, because most of them have the jobs which spanish people don't want, such as dustman or farming. But in my opinion, immigrants have to integrate ,because if they want to be accepted in our society they have to talk our language, for example. Personnally, I think that , in general, black people use to integrate better than muslims, for example.

So... if you want to be respected you have to respect!

I'm going to study History!


dijous, 29 de maig del 2008

Work, exams, homework...

Hello friends!

How are you? I am really stressed! These days is normal that everybody say " I'm really stressed, I am stressing..." lots of diferent forms to say the same, TOO MANY EXAMS!
Next week I have one exam every day and so I've got a lot of work these days.A part from that I believe that all of us are very sick of school and we need a holiday to relax ourselves, but the best way to confront these weeks is the optimisim; so we should be calm, study and think that in a few days we will be at the beach, and then we will feel better!
Moreover, I want to wish good luck to all the people with the last exams because I think everybody need it!
Now I must finish my homework and study a little bit..!
See you tomorrow!

dimarts, 27 de maig del 2008


What are you going to do this summer?

I'm going to spend the hole summer working and going out with my friends. Maybe you think I will get bored but I am sure I won't, because I haven't got any time. During these two months I usually do lots of different things, and when I don't work I like going to the beach or to another place, but I really enjoy all of these holiday days. As you can see, I have been dreaming about summer since the first term of Batxillerat.

And I haven't talked about the "treball de recerca" but we must work on it during the summer, because if we start it on September we will be really stressed during the second year of Batxillerat.

Now I'm going to do a little bit of this hard work!

See you tomorrow,


diumenge, 25 de maig del 2008


Hi guys !

As you can see, today I want to write about one of the most amazing sports: it's freestyle.

It's really spectacular because the riders must jump along 50 or 60 metres and meanwhile they are in the air, they have to do different tricks. My favourite trick is the double backflip because there's only one rider who can do it. He's Travis Pastrana and he has been one of the most famous freestyle riders.

In this video you can see the most amazing freestyle tricks, you will see lots of Pastrana's tricks :

Now I'm going to do some homework!

See you on Monday!


dilluns, 19 de maig del 2008

Monday !!!!

Hello friends!

Today has been a bad day, because I think there aren't any good monday!
After the weekend I feel very tired and I hate going to school, but I must go!

This weekend has been really funny. On Friday I went to visit my my grandmother in Castelló, there I selpt during hours because I was very tired!
On Saturday me and my friends went to dinner in Can Creixell, and the dinner was perfect... like all the dinner we have done!
After we went to fata and we really enjoy the night, because there are lots of our friends there!

And finally on Sunday I must do my homework, I really hate this job because it is very boring!

So I think you can understand because I hate monday, after a good weekend the first day of the week is hard, really hard!

See you tomorrow!


dissabte, 17 de maig del 2008

By the way !

Standing in line to
see the show tonight
and there's a light on
heavy glow
by the way I tried to say
I'd be there waiting for
Dani the girl is
singing songs to me
beneath the marquee overload
steak knife card shark
con job boot cut
Skin that flick
she's such a little DJ
to get there quick
by street but not the reeway
turn that trick
to make a little leeway
beat that nic
but not the way that we play
dogtown blood bath
rib cage soft tal
Standing in line
see the show tonight
and there's a light on
heavy glow
by the way I tried to say
I'd be there waiting for
black jack dope dick
pawn shop quick pick
kiss that dyke
I know you want to hold one not on strike
but I'm about to bowl one
bite that mic
I know you never stole one
girls that like a story, so I told one
song bird main line
cash back hard top
Standing in line to...

Red Hot Chili Peppers is one of my fauvorite bands, they play rock music, and they have really good songs like Californication or Scar tissue.

One of the most amazing things of this group is the name, in catalan means "Pebrots picants vermells i calents". In my opinion its name is very original and it gives a humoristic character to the band.

I hope you like the song! See you tomorrow!


dijous, 8 de maig del 2008

Lazy !

Hello friendS!!
how are you?
Today I'm lazy :P
because I have to study an exam, but I don't want to, it is really boring, and apart from that the weekend is arriving...and I only want to forget the exams and the homework and sleep! jajaja
To have an exam on Friday it's the worst..but anyway...!
Today I have a good new, I have an 8,75 of the economy's exam, I'm happy! :D
Well...the true I don't know what can I explain so I'm going to study...

dissabte, 3 de maig del 2008


Hi classmates!!

As I told you before, a year ago I had a horse and I really enjoyed riding it. Her name was Tina. She was white and she was really intelligent and warm with me.

She died on Saint Martin's Day, and after that, I didn't want to know anything else about horses.

But before that fateful day , I was really found of Old West TV series. I loved watching them, because cowboys always rode amazing horses.

Now, I would like to have a horse again, but I know that I will never find one like Tina. So, in a way, it makes me little respect.

I'm going to sleep, because I am very tired!!

See you on Monday!