dilluns, 19 de maig del 2008

Monday !!!!

Hello friends!

Today has been a bad day, because I think there aren't any good monday!
After the weekend I feel very tired and I hate going to school, but I must go!

This weekend has been really funny. On Friday I went to visit my my grandmother in Castelló, there I selpt during hours because I was very tired!
On Saturday me and my friends went to dinner in Can Creixell, and the dinner was perfect... like all the dinner we have done!
After we went to fata and we really enjoy the night, because there are lots of our friends there!

And finally on Sunday I must do my homework, I really hate this job because it is very boring!

So I think you can understand because I hate monday, after a good weekend the first day of the week is hard, really hard!

See you tomorrow!
