dissabte, 1 de març del 2008

england! :)

Hi guys!!
Today is Saturday and I'm trying to study Philosophy because I have got a hard exam next week!
When I'm stressed I try to remember some nice trips, and today I was looking for the photos that I took last summer when I went to England. In the picture, you can see me next to a typical english telephone box. As you can see in the background, british people have their own customs, for instance, driving on the left and you can't imagine how stressing is going on the other side of the road. You think that you are going to crash with the other vehicles. There are lots of differences between our culture and the English one, but both societies are kind and friendly to the tourists.
I enjoyed this trip, but this summer I won't go there again, until I'll be eighteen years old and then I will take a plane on my own and I will pass some days in this nice country.
As you know, we talked about this experience in the oral presentation and I really recommend you to go there!!
Well... this afternoon I am going to go to Castelló because there is a motocross race, and I want to see it! All the people say that there are lots of good pilots competing there, that's the reason why I want to go, because when you see this great riders, you always learn something!
Now I'm going to have lunch and I will go there!!
So... ByE***

1 comentari:

p a b l i t ö h________ ha dit...

You lost a very good race! I hope you will be lucky with exams! ;)