diumenge, 3 de maig del 2009

Embarraca't 2009 !

Hi classmates!!

Yesterday night was the famous “barraques” end and this year they have been really short because we only have been allowed to go there four days. The mayor of Figueres, justified that change with the crisis, and he said that four days are enough! First, I disagree with his decision, but now I think it has been a good idea. In fact, those who wanted to enjoy this fantastic party have been able to do it ( I have enjoyed it! XD) Moreover, I think this decision has transformed “barraques” on a better place because they haven’t been any fights. As most of you know, in this kind of festivities there are different kinds of people and that’s the main reason why, usually, there are fights and discussions.
I can’t understand how the fights and the change of the duration of the Barraques can be related, but I’m sure they are because this is the first year that we could enjoy a “pacific” Barraques!!

Now I’m going to sleep because if I don’t, tomorrow I will be exhausted.

See you tomorrow,
