dilluns, 3 de desembre del 2007
at the beach...
diumenge, 2 de desembre del 2007
WaTeR--> JuMp !!
HI classsmates!!
Today I'm going to talk about one strange sport called water-jump.My friends and me started to practice it last summer. We took and old bycicle, we repaired it and we put empty bottles on it, so we had got a water-jump bycicle.
When we had built our handmade bycicle, we went with it to Ventalló, because there, there are two artificial lakes and we can jump really well.
We used to go to Ventalló during all the summer, but now in winter it's really cold so we must wait for the next summer!!!
Maybe you can think that we are a bit crazy... but no! you must only think that the water is really soft, so it isn't really dangerous!!! XD
So.. in the photo
The video it's the same... that's me too!!
dissabte, 1 de desembre del 2007
99 red balloons- Goldfinger
You and i in a little toy shop
Buy a bag of balloons with the money we've got
Set them free at the break of dawn
'til one by one, they were gone
Back at base, bugs in the software
Flash the message, something's out there
Floating in the summer sky
99 red balloons go by.
99 red balloons floating in the summer sky
Panic bells, it's red alert
There's something here from somewhere else
The war machine springs to life
Opens up one eager eye
Focusing it on the sky
As 99 red balloons go by.
99 decision street, 99 ministers meet
To worry, worry, super-scurry
Call out the troops now in a hurry
This is what we've waited for
This is it boys, this is war
The president is on the line
As 99 red balloons go by.
99 kriegsministerStreichholz und benzinkanister
Hielten sich fuer schlaue leute
Witterten schon fette beuteRiefen:
krieg und wollten machtMann,
wer haette das gedacht
Dass es einmal soweit kommt
Wegen 99 luftballons
99 dreams i have had
In every one a red balloon
It's all over and I'm standin' pretty
In the dust that was a city
If i could find a souvenier
Just to prove the world was here...And here it is, a red balloonI think of you and let it go.
Glodfinger is one of my fauvorite group. They have played lots of good songs! For instance, Miles away, Pick a Fight or Superman! In my opinion, the song of 99 red balloons is the best one.
The origin of this song cames from Germany in 1983, a few years later Kevin McAlea translate to English. Then lots of groups played it, and the Goldfinger song became really famous in lots of European countires and in the USA .
That's the story of this beautiful song... I hope you like it!!