Hello friends!
Today has been a bad day, because I think there isn't any good Monday! After the weekend I feel very tired and I hate going to school, but I must go there!
This weekend has been really funny. On Friday I rode my motorcycle with some friends we went to “Puig seglar”, a really nice mountain!
On Saturday my friends and I went to have dinner in Jesus' restaurant, and the dinner was really funny because the cooker of this restaurant is a bit crazy and we spent a really good time talking with him.
Afterwards, we went to Sils, where there was a concert of the famous band “BOIKOT”. So Saturday night has been perfect!
And finally, on Sunday I had to do my homework and I really hate it because is very, very boring!
So I think that you can understand because I hate Monday, after a good weekend the first day of the week is hard, really hard!
See you,