dilluns, 3 de desembre del 2007

at the beach...

Hi classmates!!
Related with the summer topic today I'm going to talk about the beach! We used to spend lots of the weekend afternoons in this great place, sometimes we play football, rugby... but most of the days we just relax!
In the collage, you can see the photos we had taken a bored Saturday afternoon!
We played a stupid game... it consisted on: one person kicked the rugby ball with the foot, and another one tried to take it meanwhile the ball was in the air!
By the way, this is the last entry that I must do during this term!! But the first term will finish in two days so... now I must think about ten more topics...!! I'm going to do it now... ;) XDXD

diumenge, 2 de desembre del 2007

WaTeR--> JuMp !!

HI classsmates!!

Today I'm going to talk about one strange sport called water-jump.My friends and me started to practice it last summer. We took and old bycicle, we repaired it and we put empty bottles on it, so we had got a water-jump bycicle.
When we had built our handmade bycicle, we went with it to Ventalló, because there, there are two artificial lakes and we can jump really well.
We used to go to Ventalló during all the summer, but now in winter it's really cold so we must wait for the next summer!!!

Maybe you can think that we are a bit crazy... but no! you must only think that the water is really soft, so it isn't really dangerous!!! XD

So.. in the photos you can see me jumping with the bycicle into the water!!

The video it's the same... that's me too!!

dissabte, 1 de desembre del 2007


99 red balloons- Goldfinger

You and i in a little toy shop

Buy a bag of balloons with the money we've got

Set them free at the break of dawn

'til one by one, they were gone

Back at base, bugs in the software

Flash the message, something's out there

Floating in the summer sky

99 red balloons go by.

99 red balloons floating in the summer sky

Panic bells, it's red alert

There's something here from somewhere else

The war machine springs to life

Opens up one eager eye

Focusing it on the sky

As 99 red balloons go by.

99 decision street, 99 ministers meet

To worry, worry, super-scurry

Call out the troops now in a hurry

This is what we've waited for

This is it boys, this is war

The president is on the line

As 99 red balloons go by.

99 kriegsministerStreichholz und benzinkanister

Hielten sich fuer schlaue leute

Witterten schon fette beuteRiefen:

krieg und wollten machtMann,

wer haette das gedacht

Dass es einmal soweit kommt

Wegen 99 luftballons

99 dreams i have had

In every one a red balloon

It's all over and I'm standin' pretty

In the dust that was a city

If i could find a souvenier

Just to prove the world was here...And here it is, a red balloonI think of you and let it go.

Glodfinger is one of my fauvorite group. They have played lots of good songs! For instance, Miles away, Pick a Fight or Superman! In my opinion, the song of 99 red balloons is the best one.

The origin of this song cames from Germany in 1983, a few years later Kevin McAlea translate to English. Then lots of groups played it, and the Goldfinger song became really famous in lots of European countires and in the USA .

That's the story of this beautiful song... I hope you like it!!


diumenge, 25 de novembre del 2007

Hi guys!!

As I told you yesterday, we celebrated three birthdays. The night has been very funny, because we were twenty or twenty-five, more or less...

I haven't got much time to write because I'm going to have lunch in a few minutes so...

The photo is from my house. This summer, at the back of the house, we built a workroom, and today I'm going to write about it.

I spend lots of hours there, for example now I'm trying to install a gasoline engine on a normal scooter. I think that today I will finish it ... but then I must test it to check it works.

I love this room because meanwhile I'm reparing something I can listen to music, and there's nobody controling me. This is like my bedroom!!

I'm going to have lunch...!!!

See you tomorrow!!!***

dissabte, 24 de novembre del 2007

Can Creixell...!!!

Hi classmates!! Buf... Saturday morning and I'm really sleepy!
Tonight, with my friends we'll celebrate a birthday... so now I'm going to talk about Can Creixell .
We are a group of friends -aproximately twenty or twenty-five- and we usually do lots of different things together. The name of the group comes from the name of the old house where we meet. Every weekend we go there, and some nights we use the house to celebrate something. I really like our group because althought we are a lot we are really close, and in my opinion that's the most important thing.
In the photo you can see some people of our group in the last carnival, in l'Escala. We really like carnivals because we go to different places during three weekends. Last year we went to Sant Pere Pescador, Fortià, L'Escala and Castelló.

And... that's all !!!
See you on Monday!!**

diumenge, 18 de novembre del 2007

Alonso !


Well, today is Sunday… and tomorrow morning…!! L .
When we have got lots of exams I use to watch summer photos to remember some good times, but after that, I think I feel even more stressed...
This photo has been taken this summer in the London airport, Heathtrow, meanwhile we were waiting for the plane. As you know the car of the photo is the Mclaren of Fernando Alonso. Although he is really stupid in my opinion he is one of the best Formula-1 pilots.
So that’s the photo and I hope that you like it!! Today we must try to have fun because tomorrow I must: get up at seven o’clock, take the car and go to Castelló, do some exams… and finally return at home !!!!

See you tomorrow !!! **

In the video you can see the best motocross pilot jumping over the GrandCanyon: Travis Pastrana!!

dissabte, 17 de novembre del 2007

A cauliflower sheep !!

Hi guys!!

This week has been really bored because of the wind, when it's windy, we can't go to anyplace so we should stay at home if we don't want to have a cold.

The photo.... is a bit strange, I know. But in fact, I love this kind of pictures; in my opinion they're really creative. So you can see a sheep wearing a cauliflower dress!! XDXD

I haven't got time enough because I have to study for the history exam!

See you on Monday!!***

divendres, 26 d’octubre del 2007

Hi guys!!

Today is the best day of the week, Friday! We have finished some of our exams, and this weekend the fair arrives in Girona! So, this Saturday we will go there! and next Thursday, we are going to go to Girona again, because "Obrint pas" plays there that day.

So that's what I'm going to do this weekend, and now I'm going to talk about the photo.
In the picture... that's me, with my motorbike at the motocross track in Castelló. I have got this moto since September, and I think that this is the best present that my parents could give me for my birthday. I really like this sport, in my opinion it is the best because most of the people who practice motorcycle are really friendly and when you go to races or concentrations, you meet a lot of people and you always know some new friend.
And.. that's all !! I hope I meet some of you tomorrow in Girona!

See you !!!**

dimarts, 9 d’octubre del 2007

¡¡ Motorbike !!

Hi guys!!

Today I have discovered the "slide" and I have created one. In this collage you can see some photos of my fauvorite sport. There are five photographs of me and my motorcycle, there's another of one of my fauvorite freestyle riders, and the last one is from the race that had place in Barcelona last year.

And that's all for today... I hope you have enjoyed this slide! If you want to create one like this, you only must press the button "Crea el tuyo".


diumenge, 7 d’octubre del 2007


Hi guys!!

I don't know how the blogger works yet, so I hope that you can see the photo..xd

Maybe you will think that this is a really strange photo, and... I think so!! But it's a mystic photograph, and I like it too.

This is the fourth week of class, and we have done three exams... so I don't want to think about the end of term... It will be really hard!!!

I haven't got more time, because I'm going to have lunch!

Here you can watch a funny video of YouTube :

See you on monday!!
